26 Apr 2023 Member Conference: Expo and Awards! 2023 Member Conference: Expo and Awards! Wednesday, April 26, 2023 (8:00 AM) to Thursday, April 27, 2023 (5:00 PM) Caribe Royale Orlando Details You're Registered! DescriptionLocation Come and let the good times roll at the Orlando Regional Realtor Association's Membership Conference, Expo, and Annual Awards events! This year's theme: MARDI GRAS. This event is open to EVERYONE with all-inclusive day passes priced at $85.00! This two-day event showcases two of ORRA’s signature events in one location. Register now for an all-inclusive opportunity to receive up to 5 Continuing Education credits, attend professional and industry development sessions, experience the themed Tradeshow with vendors of all types, hear a keynote luncheon featuring Marki Lemons Ryhal, AND attend ORRA's annual awards luncheon! What’s New this year? Entry to the Expo now includes entry to ORRA’s Annual Awards Luncheon. Registration allows for single ticket purchase only, and this format will apply to the Annual Awards tickets as well. Please see the details and FAQ on the Awards site for more information! REGISTER HERE In order to help streamline any questions/concerns about the events, here is a list of ORRA staff members prepared to support you! If you are an Affiliate Member with questions about Expo Registration: Edward DeAguilera (Edwardd@orlandorealtors.org) If you are a primary ORRA REALTOR member with questions about the Top Producers/Annual Awards Process: Mary Kay Brickey (Marykayb@orlandorealtors.org) For general questions about registration or event logistics: Leah Thomas/Chance Morrow (events@orlandorealtors.org) Caribe Royale Orlando 8101 World Center DriveOrlando, FL 32821 Map & Directions