07 Mar iCE Virtual Class: Florida Realtors Legal Hotline Top 10 FAQ (Foundational) iCE Virtual Class: Florida Realtors Legal Hotline Top 10 FAQ (Foundational) Thursday, March 7, 2024 (1:00 PM to 3:00 PM) 2.00 Education Credits Live Streaming 2CE Credit Class, FR Legal Hotline, Virtual Classes Details You're Registered! DescriptionLocationInstructorsCancellation Policy Florida Realtors Legal Hotline Top 10 FAQ - iCE Virtual Class (2CE) (Foundational) Early Registration Price: $10 until February 22, 2024 Regular Member Registration: $15 Non-Member Registration: $25 Instructor: Joel Maxson Two days before class, you will receive a confirmation email providing details on how to join the webinar. Kindly follow the outlined steps to ensure a seamless connection on the day of the class. Ensure you don't miss any of our emails by checking your junk and spam folders regularly. *Please be sure to not share the ZOOM link with anyone as local associations are billed for each participant* ATTENDANCE: 1.FREC requires licensed individuals to attend 90% of the instructional class time. Continuing education credit will only be provided to those participants that are in attendance for the entire session. Time spent troubleshooting your computer, if necessary, is NOT considered as being in attendance for the session. 2.Attendance is recorded by each person’s unique email address. That means two people cannot share one email address 3.Your microphone and camera will automatically be disabled from our end. 4.IF YOU HAVE AN ISSUE OR CHALLENGE JOINING THE EVENT OR GETTING YOUR DEVICE TO SEE THE POWERPOINT OR HEAR THE AUDIO YOU WILL NEED TO EMAIL THE TECHNOLOGY HELPLINE AT: icesupport@floridarealtors.org 5. Staff will be logged on to the event as early as 12:30 PM (EST) – you are more than welcome to join early. This will provide time for assistance should you have any difficulties. 6. Once you have joined the event PLEASE DO NOT LOG OFF as you will not be able to rejoin. 7. During the class, if you have questions for the instructor, please utilize the chat feature on the screen. A Florida Realtor Professional Development Staff person will be moderating all chat questions and compiling them for Addie Owens to answer. 8. Upon completion of the session, you may “LEAVE THE MEETING” on the bottom of the screen”. Do not exit the internet page as a survey should open within a few seconds. Please complete the survey and hit submit. If the survey does not open within 60 seconds, go ahead and close the internet page. 9. Per Florida Statute 455.2178 all course provider have 30 days, from the completion of this course, to report CE Credits to DBPR. Florida Realtors strives to process and report classes within 7 business days but may take a bit longer. We will email you a course completion letter once credits have been reported to DBPR (allow 24-48 hours thereafter to be able to view them on your DBPR profile at www.myfloridalicense.com). ACCESSIBILITY: ORRA will make every effort to ensure that on-site programs are accessible to all. Call 407-513-7268 in advance to notify staff of any assistance needs. Live Streaming Live Streaming Joel Maxson Joel Maxson is currently Associate General Counsel for Florida Realtors. He has been a lawyer for Florida Realtors since 2011. Prior to joining the Realtor family, he was an associate at a national law firm, where he practiced real estate law. His first job after law school was as a Judge Advocate for the United States Marine Corps, where he received a broad range of legal experience. Cancellations not received within two (2) days prior to the class start time will result in the loss of the registration fee. Cancellations can be made through the ORRA Professional Development Department at 407.513.7268 or via email at education@orlandorealtors.org.